mandag 18. januar 2016

Robert Dugoni: Min søsters grav

Tracy Crosswhite har de siste tyve åra brukt all tid på spekulasjoner rundt søsteren Saras forsvinning og etterforskningen etterpå.  De to var nær knyttet til hverandre, og denne kvelden hadde søsteren fått låne Tracys bil for å komme seg hjem etter en skytekonkurranse. Hun kom aldri hjem. Alt pekte mot en person, som ble mistenkt for å ha myrdet henne, men de fant aldri liket. Tracy er i tvil om at han er morderen, og utdanner seg etter hvert til drapsetterforsker. Hun etterforsker i mange drapssaker, men søsterens forsvinning ligger alltid i bakhodet.

Så dukker levningene av Sarah opp i et fjellparti, og Tracy setter alt inn på å få saken opp på nytt. Det viser seg at mange hemmeligheter og skjulte sannheter dukker opp i farvannet av dette, og hun åpner egentlig en dør til noe som kan være farlig for flere, også henne sjøl.

En velskrevet krim, med spenning fra første side til siste slutt. Dugoni har evnene til å holde leseren i ånde, og det er vel en krimforfatters beste skussmål. Men trass i dette er det ikke en krim jeg vil huske så lenge. Om jeg skulle sammenligne denne med skandinavisk krim, heller jeg mest mot det siste, uten at denne uttalelsen er særlig veloverveid!

Gursli forlag
452 sider
Oversatt av Kurt Hanssen
Lesereksemplar fra forlaget

I wish there were more stars to give than five. This book deserves seven or eight. From page one, a griping tale. No matter what side you are on, parent, sibling, or bystander you are rooted to this story. It holds you till the end. This stands apart in the genre right now for both storytelling and story itself. It's hard to write any kind of review without presenting spoilers, and I won't do that to such a suspenseful story as this. Each chapter is like a knife in the heart. Ever turn of event is enough to have you wincing in fear. You'll hug someone tight after this one is all over.
I wish there were more stars to give than five. This book deserves seven or eight. From page one, a griping tale. No matter what side you are on, parent, sibling, or bystander you are rooted to this story. It holds you till the end. This stands apart in the genre right now for both storytelling and story itself. It's hard to write any kind of review without presenting spoilers, and I won't do that to such a suspenseful story as this. Each chapter is like a knife in the heart. Ever turn of event is enough to have you wincing in fear. You'll hug someone tight after this one is all over.
I wish there were more stars to give than five. This book deserves seven or eight. From page one, a griping tale. No matter what side you are on, parent, sibling, or bystander you are rooted to this story. It holds you till the end. This stands apart in the genre right now for both storytelling and story itself. It's hard to write any kind of review without presenting spoilers, and I won't do that to such a suspenseful story as this. Each chapter is like a knife in the heart. Ever turn of event is enough to have you wincing in fear. You'll hug someone tight after this one is all over.
I wish there were more stars to give than five. This book deserves seven or eight. From page one, a griping tale. No matter what side you are on, parent, sibling, or bystander you are rooted to this story. It holds you till the end. This stands apart in the genre right now for both storytelling and story itself. It's hard to write any kind of review without presenting spoilers, and I won't do that to such a suspenseful story as this. Each chapter is like a knife in the heart. Ever turn of event is enough to have you wincing in fear. You'll hug someone tight after this one is all over.

I wish there were more stars to give than five. This book deserves seven or eight. From page one, a griping tale. No matter what side you are on, parent, sibling, or bystander you are rooted to this story. It holds you till the end. This stands apart in the genre right now for both storytelling and story itself. It's hard to write any kind of review without presenting spoilers, and I won't do that to such a suspenseful story as this. Each chapter is like a knife in the heart. Ever turn of event is enough to have you wincing in fear. You'll hug someone tight after this one is all over.
I wish there were more stars to give than five. This book deserves seven or eight. From page one, a griping tale. No matter what side you are on, parent, sibling, or bystander you are rooted to this story. It holds you till the end. This stands apart in the genre right now for both storytelling and story itself. It's hard to write any kind of review without presenting spoilers, and I won't do that to such a suspenseful story as this. Each chapter is like a knife in the heart. Ever turn of event is enough to have you wincing in fear. You'll hug someone tight after this one is all over.

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